❤ Non Stop to Tokyo ❤
Beautiful Flight attendant uniform today featuring black tailored jacket and skirt, white shirt, collar w/built in scarf
(5 colors), stockings, and flight luggage =)

✰ Master Of the Light Force ✰
Jedi master robes worn by only the most accomplished Jedis who weild the light side of the force.
The set includes White/Black shirts, Black pants, Brown/Black/Blue Jedi robes, and both Blue and Green Ligtsabers complete with glowing blade . (can turn blade on and off )

❤ Camo Tiered ❤
Featuring a short mini dress with camo fabric and belted + layered (tiered skirt) in 4 colors.
Also includes choker , stockings (4 colors), and free watch!
☑ Available @ the main store location
Barerose Tokyo