Welcome to BARE@ROSE 2nd ANNIVERSARY Party Celebration taking place on 18th of August! This is a quick summary available of what you will be able to experience in our special day!
Grand DJ: Rose Farina
She will annoucne shedule around so Please keep listen on her. :)
Notice for VIP:
Our Sandbox will closed while Aug 17 to 19 for the event. Sorry for inconvinience.
|| FRIDAY 17th of August (an eve) ||
-Event: MAD HATTERS (Contest)
Time: 8/17th - Noon to 2:00 pm SLT
Host: Pixie Tungl
DJ:Buckaroo Mu
Prize A:1000 Linden for best male and female.
Prize B: BR event only sculpty Hat for everyone who attend.
About: A prelude to Bare Rose 2nd Anniversary event. Pull on your silly hats and funky outfits for this funny contest event!
-Event: GRAND BALL (Contest)
Time: 8/17th - 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm SLT
Host: Bagu Popinjay
Prize:1000 Linden for best male and female.
About: The prelude continues! Dress up in your best formal outfit and dance under the moon!
-Event: COSPLAY SUPER-PARTY (Arsheba Honors BareRose)
Time: 8/17th - 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm SLT
Prize:Bare Rose Latest clothes
About: Prizes include L$30,000 in Barerose outfits in our PRIZE VAULT, and L$4,000 in cash prizes!
EVERY TWO MINUTES during the four-hour event, we will be awarding a GOLDEN TICKET which can be redeemed for any prize you want from our Barerose Prize Vault! Check it out! The Prize Vault is in the club right now. Feel free to explore the Prize Vault ahead of time and decide what you would pick first!
During the event, a special B@R Raffle Ball will be set up. Just touch it every two minutes to enter to win a GOLDEN TICKET! When you win a Ticket, just take it into the Prize Vault and talk to the Elf lady you find in there about redeeming it for any prize you like within the vault. (Prizes are limited to the BAREROSE prize boxes on display in the vault. You cannot pick, say, the big metal vault door.)
PLUS at 9pm we will award L$1,000 each to the best girl and guy in costume, and AGAIN at 11pm!
AND DO NOT FORGET: Arsheba's party is on the 17th, and then BAREROSE is hosting a series of events on the 18th at B@R Headquarters. A kiosk will be on display at the Arsheba party to distribute the latest copy of the B@R Event Schedule.
|| SATURDAY 18th of August ||
-Event: SCARVENGER HUNT (Main mini-game)
Time: From 4:00 am (8/18th) to 0:00 am (8/19th) SLT
Locations: All around and Black Cat SIMS!
About: Discover a beautiful love story while playing the Scarlet Yarn finding mini-game and then your happiness will bloom!
Host: N/A, We are sorry we cant reply any of question for this.
Prize: Every one who done the game/ Scalet New Heaven, for Mens/Ladies, No Transfer, This event only
Easy Discription:
1.Get Reel of Heaven on Bare Rose HQ, at dance floor.
2. Wear the Reel of Heaven.
3. Go to find 10 Scarlet Yarn. You can get hint for location with it. 5 on Bare Rose SIM. 5 on Black Cat SIM. If you found it, go to get close enough and touch it.
4. After you got it, return to Bare Rose HQ and find Loom of Eternal, touch it and wai while, and get item.
*Please wait if some one using it.
-Event: M2J CORE LIVE ~THORN OF BEAUTY~ (Live Concert)
Time: 8/18th - 6:00 am to 8:00 am SLT
Host: June DIon
Band: M2J Core
About: The Party BEGINS!!! Hosted by June Dion, jump and dance to M2J Core songs, live on stage for a great time party opening ceremony!
We have broadcast over a nationwide hookup by DBC Video. If you cant get in White Wolf, Please Check following web sight. Also Screen will placed on Bare Rose HQ and Sharrow Dream spa.
You can see the video via web browser too:
At very last they will sing "The Thorn of Beauty" , Bare Rose thema song ! Dont miss to listen on Jets Fride's beatiful sing a song!
*For who comes this event, please turn off your script, heavy attachment, also light souce. To see best condition for light effects, turn foce sun to midnight. Also we have some english lyric on the time, please check the box round the stage.
After the Last song, we will do firework show, powered by HANABI-YA KATSUZO on Main stage. Thank you very much to make sepcial B@R fire works, katsuzo Boa and Neko Link.
-Event: MONSTER BALL (Contest)
Time: 8/18th - 8:00 am to 9:30 am SLT
Host: Verlanis Melnitz
DJ:Wendy Foxchase
Prize A:1000 Linden for best male and female.
Prize B: BR event only shoulder mantle for everyone who attend.
About: Free the monster within your avatar on a spooky (but fun) contest event!
-Event: FURRY COUPLE (Contest)
Time: 8/18th - 11:30 am to 1:00 pm SLT
Host: Wolffirefur Wesburn and Serenity Semple
Prize :3000 Linden for best couple.
DJ:Nexxus Ambassador
About: Featuring legendary Furnation Furry and DJ, Nexxus Ambassador, join us on our 3K L$ furry contest! Purrrrr! Woooof!
*Dont need to be girl and boy even brothers/sisters, Mother/Chirldren allows.
-Event: "Chains And Pain" CLUB REPUBRIK BR (DJ Sessions)
Time: 8/18th - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm SLT
Host: Tink Toll
DJ:Coca Supercharge
Prize :1000 Linden for best femal and male.
About: Events is Chains And Pain and the person dressed the most extreme with chains buckles or pain!
-Event: Gothic Night (Contest)
Time: 8/18th - 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm SLT
Host: Hinamori Burleigh/Aoife Lawson
DJ:Digital Enigma
Prize :1000 Linden for best femal and male.
About: Embrace your elegant darkness. Wear best goth clothes and come and enjoy!
-Event: MAXIMILLION KLEENE (LIVE) (Live Concert)
Time: 8/18th - 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm SLT
Host: Twilight Market:
Band:Maximillion Kleene
About: Maximillion Kleene will entertain you with his rock/pop acoustic stylings with a little punk attitude, pinch of emo, groovy rhythm, and an energetic feel that hopefully results in a fun, pleasant listening experience.
Event: Samurai island battle event (Rename to event final name)
Time:8/18th - 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm SLT
Host:Hinamori Burleigh
Prize :3000 Linden for winner.
About:Time to fight! Get your katana and go to Dueling Arena with your fighting spirits. You will need C:SI compatible katana ( you can get it at the landmark alrady) and practice for it. soem people around in Samurai Island and Katana smith island, so hit there and please try to learn how works before the event.
-Event: HOT & YELLOW (Contest)
Time: 8/18th - 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm SLT
Host:Vannesh Cannoli
Prize :3000 Linden for best male and female.
About: Yellow clothes are HOT. This is your chance to look HOT! 3K L$ Contest for the HOTTEST guy and gal in yellow!!!
Event: NAME THAT GAME RETURNS (Trivia Contest)
Time: 8/18th - 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm SLT
Host: Johnnie McMillan
DJ:Cirga Control
Prize:Cruel Black Game Master Edition for Winner
About: It's Trivia Time! So show your knowledge to the world to win special outfit made for event!!!
Time: 8/18th - 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm SLT
Host: Koko Brentano
DJ:Cirga Control
About: A fashion show displaying several stylish outfits from "Tori-Wear" and "Rose Petal" creations!
Event: Raffle trade
Time:8/18th - 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm SLT
Host:Hinamori Burleigh
DJ:Sililos Backbite
Prize A: Trade item:Tiny Avatar (No phot , please check in store)
Prize B:Trade item: Black Panther, shoes Sale after the event
Prize C: 1000L to male and female winners.
About:Thank you for taking interest in our Bare@Rose Raffle Trade! During this event you may trade among other customers for existing raffle items from our raffle ball OR trade in 3 raffle items to Hinamori Burleigh for a brand new raffle item made just for the event OR one of our special outfits that you can't get anywhere else(Please get list on the event what we have)!
We hope that you enjoy our Raffle Trades as we have them every other week with new outfits and a cosplay contest. 1000L to male and female winners. Don't forget, we'll have a dj that is loaded with anime/game music to keep the event rocking. Here is a list of our current specials so far!
Time: 8/18th - 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm SLT
Host: Naomi Yamabushi
DJ:Cirga Control
Prize A: Give me name outfits for all who attend.
Prize B: Who win this contest, do model for this outfits and named the outfits.
About: Featuring the "Gimme My Name" outfit mini-contest, dance to Host and DJ Cigra rythmns!
Hope that you will enjoy and have fun celebrating with us this important day for Bare@Rose Anniversary!
Thank you and have a great day!~
June Dion & the Bare@Rose Staff!