ZOMG its Christmas and we hear tell Santa and his reindeer are visiting the Bare Rose Sim and dropping off gifts.
The thing is, with the lag so bad in Second Life these days, Santa's reindeer got a little confused and missed both the tree and the chimney! We don't actually know where Santa dropped off the gifts so we guess if you want to get yours, you are going to have to search for it. Good luck!
The rules, such as they are:
We will put piles of gift wrapped boxes around the sim. Some of the boxes have stuff in them. Some do not. Some have good stuff. Some have bad stuff. But Santa has a new, unreleased outfit by June Dion (one for men and one for women). For this event the outfit will be available only by finding Santa and his sleigh. There's just one thing though -- Santa moves around.
So if someone tells you it is in a certain place, don't expect it to be there for long!
The evening will culminate in a party from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. hosted by Vannesh Cannoli and DJ'd by Sililos Backbite! Don't miss our annual Christmas party and event!
Bare Rose Xmas Event: The Search for Santa's Sleigh.Where: Bare Rose Sim all over
When: Saturday, December 23. 9am to 6:30 pm SLT.
:::BareRose::: HQ, BareRose 146,38,30
Tp Directly: